Businesses large and small are increasingly eager to combat the novel coronavirus strain (COVID-19) to keep their staff, clients, students, customers and patients healthy and safe…and naturally the wider population at large. Let’s take a look at the key features of Covid-19 and how facilities can work to contain and limit the spread of this serious disease, particularly when using an effective electrostatic sanitization system.
Coronavirus – key facts
While we don’t know everything about this particular strain of coronavirus at this time, authorities do know that it’s spread from an infected person through droplets, close and prolonged personal contact, or touching something that has the virus on it and then touching your eyes, nose or mouth (before washing your hands). Symptoms for most people range from mild (runny nose, sneezing) or medium (fever, cough, runny nose, etc.) to severe (respiratory difficulties, pneumonia, organ failure, etc.). Unfortunately, many people don’t know they are infected and can spread the disease unknowingly, or others may mistake their symptoms for a common cold or influenza, thus decreasing accurate detection yet increasing the likelihood of it spreading.
Preventative measures for businesses
The best way to help prevent the spread of germs is to encourage your employees and anyone in your care to wash hands thoroughly, sneeze or cough into sleeves, avoid contacting people who are sick, and to simply stay home when not feeling well. Many businesses are able to propose work-from-home options for their staff and limit travel, visitors, in-person meetings, and so on. Finally, a ramped up effort to sanitize your facility is essential to help combat Covid-19.
Electrostatic sanitization – what is it and is it effective?
Electrostatic technology isn’t new, but when combined with a sanitizing system such as the Clorox® Total 360 System, it’s a highly effective solution to properly disinfect surfaces. Fine droplets of Clorox® disinfecting solution are charged with an electrostatic force which defies gravity and gets into spaces that other cleaners, mops or sprays cant reach. This system is simply more effective, quicker and, as a result, more cost effective than standard cleaning processes with effective products. It’s also very safe to use without chemical residues to worry about. From schools, commercial properties to medical facilities (including hospitals and long-term health care) to labs, dental offices, retails spaces, food service industries and resorts/hotels, the prevention of the spread of any contagious disease like Covid-19 is an operational priority.
At ION Facility Services, we’ve been successfully utilizing the electrostatic processes since 2005, and started using Clorox® Total 360 System to disinfect a wide range of facilities in 2019. We’ve got the expertise, equipment and training to deliver results and combat virus contamination – whether it’s Covid-19 or other infectious pathogens. Connect with us today at (877) 414-6637 or info@ionfs.ca to find out more about our electrostatic sanitation services; helping keep your business healthy and running smoothly is our priority.
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